Ben & Nettie have been leading Launch Campus Ministry at Purdue University since 2002. They enjoy working together to reach college students for Christ in this crucial decision making time of their life, that will profoundly affect their future. They are passionate about college ministry because of the impact Launch had on their lives in college. Nettie serves as the Launch Comptroller and focuses on mentoring the student members/ leaders/interns, teaching, event planning and mobilizing students on missions. Ben is the Launch Team Leader of the organization and spiritual leader. He cast the vision while training up student leaders. He also teaches at the weekly worship and small groups.
They have two daughters Michaela who is a college student at IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) and Breanna who is a college student at Ball State. The Becks enjoy serving on mission trips during the summer, hiking, time at the beach, biking, playing tennis/pickleball together and doing ministry throughout the year as a family at Purdue to reach students for Christ
The Becks are serving as Mission Service Corps (MSC) missionaries with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), who take care of their contributions and distribute it to them without any fees so they receive every dollar that is donated. Please pray about the possibility of partnering with the Beck’s in prayer and financially supporting them monthly.
Launch Campus Ministry, Inc.
We strive to launch students to KNOW, LIVE, SERVE, & SHARE Jesus.