God introduced Danielle to Launch Campus Ministry very early in her college career, and she has been involved there ever since! She graduated from Purdue with a degree in Communications - Human Relations in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. After graduation, she served as a Launch intern and as volunteer staff.
Danielle has been on staff with Launch since September 2022 as the Outreach Team Leader. Her focus is on guiding students to share the Gospel with their peers through evangelism. Seeing the students realize they are capable of sharing Jesus with others is such a joy to her! She co-leads Train and Engage, a weekly experience for students and staff to live out an evangelistic lifestyle. She mentors girls in the ministry and has a special passion for girls who are healing from past abusive situations. She loves walking alongside them as they heal and turn closer to Jesus!
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Atlanta, GA 30368-6543
Launch Campus Ministry, Inc.
We strive to launch students to KNOW, LIVE, SERVE, & SHARE Jesus.